Web site design and development. Network design and support. In many ways ITG is the only call you need to make to meet the diverse technical needs of your small or mid-sized business. In addition to design, development and network services we also offer a suite of hosting services and Internet connectivity options.

Our services are comprehensive and integrate the various disciplines of design, software engineering, business development and project management to bring your projects online on time.

We specialize in guiding customers through the maze of market research, business needs analysis, hardware requirements, programming and development.

Web Design
Your Web site is your face to the online world, and every facet and nuance of the site forms an impression on your potential customers. Accurately reflecting the unique image of your business is absolutely essential to your overall business success.

Internet Technologies Group takes a two-pronged approach to designing for the Web. Our first priority is usability. We specialize in tailoring your site to the unique needs of your target audience. Next we strive for a combination of simplicity and elegance. Rather than designing flashy, flavor-of-the-month Web sites, we stick with the solid foundations of quality design, tried and true principles that have produced some of the Web's very best sites.

We encourage you to browse through the testimonials section of this site to read feedback from our clients.

Web Development
By combining design expertise with in-house programming skills and managed Web hosting, we deliver high impact Internet solutions, e-commerce applications and other online tools. Often times our clients' most valuable site-traffic building tool is their data, and finding a fast and efficient way to display that data is integral to the success of their site. Whether it's a small PostgreSQL database or an Oracle monster, ITG can build it. We also have a history of creating effective front-ends and hooking into legacy data systems.

We have experience developing many kinds of e-commerce tools including shopping carts, order forms and 'buy now' functions. Tailoring e-business tools to specific products and target audiences is crucial to success in the online marketplace, and ITG's experience selling products, from automobiles to flower arrangements, helps our clients determine the best way to achieve their online business goals.

Our hosting environments include: Linux and Windows.